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Completing your Social Security Disability Function Report

I’m giving away the farm here with these trade secrets. Here are some tips for completing your Social Security Disability Function Report (form number 3373):
1.) The most important thing is to get the form done. Do not get so nervous that you stall on getting this report done.
2.) Keep responses brief. When writing any explanations, ask yourself if you should be sharing this info. If the answer is no, you may want to leave it out.
3.) When answering questions regarding your ability to do things, phrase your responses in terms of a comparison to the way you used to do them. For example, if you used to cook elaborate meals, you might want to explain that as you state that now you only make quick and easy meals.
4.) When answering questions regarding your ability to work, you might want to explain how much time you would have to be away from your job duties for things like breaks due to medical issues, doctor appointments and other health related reasons.
5.) Save a copy.

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