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A disability attorney looks back on her week

My husband Scott keeps the office running just as much as I do. On Tuesday, I was getting ready to leave the house for a hearing. My client deserved to win.  This was an extremely well deserved case, but there were some technical issues that could have made it very difficult.  I freaked out for […]

Do you need to pay for medical records in New York?

Did you know that under New York state law, a doctor cannot charge fees for medical records if the records are being requested for a claim for Social Security Disability or any other public benefit? Whether you are represented or not, you should be requesting medical records to support your case. People who are unaware […]

You Are Not a Quitter

20 years ago, on September 11, 2001, I had been working for a law firm for a short time, after having worked long term in both government service and the non-profit sector. As soon as stories emerged about people who stayed at their desks because their bosses told them not to leave the buildings, I […]

QUIZ: Will you qualify for Social Security disability benefits?

YOUR PRESENT EMPLOYMENT STATUS Are you working?Yes.No. If you answered yes, you probably will not qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Social Security disability benefits are paid to individuals who are not able to work due to a severe medical condition. So, if you are working, it is likely that you are not eligible to […]

Does having a Social Security attorney make a difference?

Did you know that the US Government Accountability Office conducted a study in 2017 and found that people who are represented at their Social Security Disability hearings are 3 times more likely to win than people who are unrepresented? After every win, I ask myself what I did that made a difference. I keep track […]

Completing your Social Security Disability Function Report

I’m giving away the farm here with these trade secrets. Here are some tips for completing your Social Security Disability Function Report (form number 3373):1.) The most important thing is to get the form done. Do not get so nervous that you stall on getting this report done.2.) Keep responses brief. When writing any explanations, […]

Which illnesses qualify for disability benefits?

I often get the question, “Can I get disability benefits for <insert name of illness>? Here’s my answer: a disability claim depends on how you can function in a work setting and whether your records show limitations that are severe enough to keep you out of work. There is no diagnosis that is not accepted, […]