(631) 471-7171
(631) 471-7171

You Are Not a Quitter

20 years ago, on September 11, 2001, I had been working for a law firm for a short time, after having worked long term in both government service and the non-profit sector. As soon as stories emerged about people who stayed at their desks because their bosses told them not to leave the buildings, I realized that I would have been one of those people if I had been in the towers. I would not have stood up to my employer. I would have thought that being a good worker meant that I would keep working. I would not have told my co-workers that we had to get out of there. My acquiescence would have had tragic results, as it did for so many diligent workers. I don’t say this to disparage them, as this is what many hard working people did. The realization that I would have stayed at my desk if I had worked in the Twin Towers was a turning point in my life. It was time to become my own boss. By the end of the week of 9/11, I was looking at office space and making plans. I spent October getting set up and the official opening date for Kerie P. Stone, PC, Attorney at Law was November 1, 2001. Simone Biles is a person who would have lead herself and other people to safety. I am now a person who would do anything to get myself and others to safety. I’m not a quitter, but rather a person who is no longer afraid to stand up for herself and others. Likewise, I have never ever represented a quitter. I have represented people who have worked and worked until they couldn’t do it anymore. Every disability client of mine has made an extremely difficult decision to stop work so they can take care of their medical issues. Some of them realized that their work performance wasn’t what it used to be, because of their medical issues. I am brave now. Simone Biles is brave . My clients seeking disability benefits are extremely brave. #SocialSecurityDisability

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